4,2 tis. sledovateľov


Full time streamer primarily streaming Fallout 76 | Need help or have questions? Looking for a chill place to kick back? Tune in for a bit you'll fit in nicely!

Fallout 76 Build List

- [Bloodied Commando](https://tinyurl.com/47jexr63) - [Full Health Commando](https://tinyurl.com/mt8pu4dv) - [Bloodied Energy Pistol](https://tinyurl.com/yc8nb246) - [Full Health Energy Pistol](https://tinyurl.com/FullHPPistol) - [One Punch Man PA](https://tinyurl.com/OnePunchPA) - [Budget OP Man PA](https://tinyurl.com/BudgetOPMan) - [Bloodied Gauss Shotgun](https://tinyurl.com/EnergyGauss) - [Bloodied Energy Commando](https://tinyurl.com/BloodiedEnergyCommando) - [Full Health Energy Commando](https://tinyurl.com/FullHPEnergyCommando) - [Bloodied Crit + Sneak Heavy](https://tinyurl.com/BloodiedCritHeavy) - [Full Health Crit + Sneak Heavy](https://tinyurl.com/FullHPCritHeavy)
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Sub to have access to our ADORABLE Deathclaw Sub Badges!
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Looking for builds and farming guides? Click the tab above! Tons of testing, builds and farming guides!
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Donations are GREATLY appreciated but not expected. If you would like to support the stream directly click the tab above.
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Common Sense is the base of all rules :) - No Religion Talk - No Racism of any kind - Be kind to each other - No Self Promo
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Click the image if you want to send me food! This was recommended to me by my community and they're an amazing and caring bunch <3

Stream Command List

List of some of our commands available! ---------------------- Fallout 76 - !builds - !event - !guide - update - !codes - !pipe - !table ---------------------- Misc Commands - !youtube - !socials - !discord ----------------------