Profile banner for nihiliphim



My name is Nima, I'm 43 and was born in Iran, met the love of my life in World of Warcraft married and living in Denmark. MSc. in Computer Science, lived in several different countries. I speak different languages. I enjoy research, philosophy, spirituality, computer games and sustainable living.

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I like to take deep dives into games, for me gaming means experiencing the design and the inherent sense of purpose given by a game as a creation. I enjoy games that help me cultivate my mind, expand my imagination and hone my capability to learn and understand. I mean to share these experiences through my stream. Beating a game is just not enough for me. I also speak and understand several languages, although I may decide to reply to you in English, feel free to speak and chat with me in Danish, Italian, Persian, Russian and Ukrainian. **CREDITS:** The channel has been made this awesome by amazing people, please make sure to check them out and give them the love and attention they deserve. + Panels and Banner made by **[Kholek](**
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#**What I game on:** I exclusively game on **Geforce Now** and as a starting streamer I found this to be a sustainable solution as well as being an old gamer myself, I find this technology most fascinating. Try it for [**FREE**]( You can also [**GIFT ME TIME**]( on GeforceNow and it will be appreciated as it will be a great help in support of my stream. #**Where I game on:** + **STEAM**: 54589105 + **BATTLE.NET**: Nihiliphim#2255 + **EPIC**: Nihiliphim
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It is expected of you to behave in a civilized manner, I'd like to respect your freedom and integrity so in return you have to also respect the freedom and integrity of everyone else. This means I mean to present a coherent stream, anything you do to compromises that; will trigger a response. I will not tolerate **Bullying**, open **Hostility**, **Violence**, **Aggression** and/or **Insult to anyone's Intellect**. **Bots that are not fully and transparently declared will be banned, contact me on discord to declare your bot if you want to have one on the channel** #THIS IS NOT A SPOILER FREE STREAM **Backseating, Brainstorming, Spoilers, Suggestions** are **ALLOWED** on my stream. But you have to respect the limits of my learning curve and skill cap. **ELITISM** in all shapes and forms will be moderated accordingly.

Click to DONATE

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By clicking on the picture above you [express your desire to make a donation]( for the betterment of our channel so that we can do more warlocky things and fight for forsaken freedom. [اگر می خواهید از جریان ما حمایت مالی کنید لطفا از این لینک استفاده کنید ]( Please pay attention when donating money online, WE CAN NOT REFUND DONATIONS!

She likes to command

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You can learn about our commands from her... just click on her, she likes it.
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Following the attack on israel and the killing of innocent peace and celebration rave attendees the responsibility of which is on hamas and their murderous supporters, they further seek to silence us through hate and violence. We can not be bullied into silence, we must say no to the atrocities of hate against our lives, we reject their doctrine of violence, rape and murder against us and our environment and our common future, we reject the idea that the peace and freedom loving people of palestine have no other supporters except a handful of murderers who misrepresent the highest spiritual aspirations of the palestinian people. We know and we can not be bullied and pushed around because through thin and thick we supported the palestinian people lovingly, both materially and spiritually, even as we come to the horrific realization that their livelihood and our support for the people of palestine has been hijacked and misdirected towards the expansion of a violent regime of islamic corruption whose ideological reign over the domain of terror they have created thrives in conflict and the further inception of hate through perpetual cycles of violence. Humanity can and has to take care of its own, always and forever. Therefore we must separate ourselves from the injustice that is imposed on the people of the world by wolves in sheep clothing. We recognize and oppose evil by their actions. Let us come together and rave for peace. Organize and tell the organizers you know to bring us together, but DO NOT FORGET ABOUT SAFETY. Do it alone if you must and post it in solidarity with the rest of us using #raveforpeace on your social media. **We can not be killed. We can not be silenced. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Justice is us. Therefore we are.**
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Post memes, get brainwashed in our library, have fun watching vids, learn something new from the news and knowledge we share, or come share your own gems. Separate chatting channels for Danish, English, Persian, Italian and Rus/Ukrainian. You can advertise in every channel just mind the context.
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Music We Play on Stream

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