niki için profil afişi

69,4 B takipçi


Hey! I'm Niki. I like to play video games and talk a lot. It's pretty fun here, thanks for checking out my streams and I hope you stick around!

Panel İçeriği
Miss a stream? I upload all of my full streams to my [archive channel.]( If you're looking for a stream I did, chances are it's on this channel! There are playlists for each individual game! Streams are uploaded there roughly 24-48 hours after the original stream date!
Panel İçeriği
[Subscribe HERE!]( **What do I get if I subscribe to you?** - Ad-free viewing - Able to participate in private Discord streams where I hang out and talk with you guys, watch movies, play games, etc. - Higher possibility to win during giveaways - EMOTES! - Sub only room in the discord & special roles for Tiers 1, 2, & 3 - First priority if we need additional players when filming cinematic scenes, recording videos, or playing team games on stream (I am open to suggestions for other Sub Perks - Let me know in my discord if you have any suggestions!)
Panel İçeriği
**I am a full time streamer, Artist, & content creator!** Any and all donations are extremely appreciated and helpful ❤ [❤Donate HERE!]( Donations of $1 or more will send alert on stream. [❤Donate anonymously, offline, or without a notification HERE!]( I am endlessly thankful and grateful for every single one of you who have donated ❤
Panel İçeriği
I like to keep my chat pretty laid back, however there are a few laws that I want to lay down. - **Don't be too edgy.** cringe bullies will be banned. - **We are a welcoming community** Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any discrimination whatsoever will result in an immediate ban. - **Back-seat gaming is fine, just don't harass me when I make mistakes. MESSAGES THAT SPOIL THE GAME WILL BE DELETED.**
Panel İçeriği
Wanna get me a gift? Check out my Amazon Wishlist [HERE!]( All gifts are incredibly appreciated and opened on stream ❤
Panel İçeriği
I am proudly sponsored by iiiiclothing! 🖤 Use my code NIKI for 10% off your entire purchase at checkout 🖤 [Shop Now!](