Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho nikkiroseisjustafan

373 người theo dõi


nikkiroseisjustafan truyền trực tiếp Minecraft và FINAL FANTASY IV.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
# Hi! I'm just a fan of games. I've been a casual gamer since I was a baby. Dad was the OG gamer. I am currently forced to spend a lot of time at home (yay!) so I decided to enjoy the forced time-out with games. What else would I do? #Yes, I am a girl. I am over 25 and no I won't give you an exact age. I live on the East Coast of the U.S. I'm a fan of a lot of things just ask if u have any questions. #Currently playing some Minecraft (all editions) PS4 is my baby tho, Final Fantasy(ies), Uncharted Lost Legacy, and I'm dying for the new Tomb Raider to come out.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
#1. No inappropriate behavior. #2 . No sexist or racist or any other "ist" remarks. #3 . No pervy or creepy messages or behavior (nobody likes creeps). #4 . No talk of politics or religion. #5 . No inappropriate usernames. Respect other people's beliefs and opinions, we're all friends here. No spamming ridiculous messages.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
#Why don't you stream Monday night, Thursday night or Sunday? Because there is football (American football)! You watch football?! Yes, I have three favorite teams: Baltimore Ravens, Chicago Bears, and Washington Redskins. Plus on Thursdays, there is Critical Role. On Wednesdays, there is Acquistions Inc. I really like to watch them live when I can... #Why do you sound so sleepy? Short answer: I have narcolepsy and CRPS. It makes me tired ALL the time and in pain a lot. But it doesn't mean I can't try to do what I want. I hope you understand that there are times when the conditions win so please be understanding if times change. I will give as much warning as I can.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
# I haven't set a strict streaming cycle yet if you have any requests for times let me know! I plan on doing several short days to see how my body reacts to streaming first. Tentatively I will be streaming: Mondays 1pm to 5 pmish ET Wednesdays 1pm to 5pmish ET Thursdays 1m to 5pmish ET Fridays 1 pm to 5pmish ET Times may change due to appointments check on Twitter for any changes!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
#Feel free to add me on #PSN: nikkiroseisjusta #Steam: nikkiroseisjustafan #Minecraft: nikkiroseisafan
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
# Right now I am streaming through a PS4, Switch, NES Mini, technically an XBox 1 and I just recently got a new computer. The specs Intel Core i5 8600k 6 core processor ASRock mini motherboard (very mini) MSI GeForce GTX 1060 and yes I'm working on getting a game capture card but I don't have it yet. Sorry!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển