
NikkisCorner streams Destiny.

About Us

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Our names are Alex and Nikki. We met in 2010 and we knew right away that we had each found the person we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with. We both shared an interest in animal rights advocacy. We both love science fiction. And of course, we both love to play games together :D Nikki and I had so much fun playing games together that we purchased two Xbox 360's so we could play co-op and multiplayer games without having to deal with the annoying split-screen modes. At first we wondered if it was overkill but we soon realized how awesome it was to have a dual-gamer setup so we could both play together comfortably. In addition to spending tons of time together playing games, we decided to add a new member to our family, Lilly. Lilly is a mini pig, though we're not exactly sure what mix of breed she is. We suspect she's part Pot Belly, part Juliana, and maybe even some feral (wild) pig. You can learn more about Lilly further down on this channel :) After we got Lilly we began to learn all about mini pigs and just how out of control breeding has become. Tons of mini pigs are bred and sold under false pretenses. For example, our breeder told us that Lilly would only get to be 10 pounds. She is now fully grown at a healthy 60 pounds. Had we followed the feeding routine she told us to follow, our poor little piggy would have been malnourished and her lifespan drastically decreased. Once we realized the callous reality that most mini pigs suffer through, we knew we had to do something in our own small way to make a difference. We now have three more adorable piggies in the family. You can learn more about Lilly, Charlie, Booker, and Piper further down on this page :)
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Where do your donations go?

All proceeds from our stream go towards the mini pigs we foster. Anything we don't use for our little piggies goes to a local pig sanctuary called the [Ching Sanctuary](http://www.chingsanctuary.org/). We volunteer at the sanctuary all the time because we care a great deal about what happens to these innocent little creatures. The Ching Sanctuary is the only place we know of that is willing to take in these little guys when their families abandon them (and that happens way more than most people realize). Your donation allows us to keep helping the animals we love so much, and we couldn't be more thankful to you! Your donation will help us continue to raise awareness about the overbreeding of mini pigs, as well as help us educate potential adopters so that our piggies can find loving homes that know how to take care of them :)


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Lilly was the first mini pig that we took in. We have had her since she was 2 or 3 weeks old, which is way too young to be separated from her mother :(, but at the time we didn't know any better and should have done more research ahead of time. We didn't realize until later how shady our breeder was and we've since discovered she's not the only one taking advantage of living breathing creatures to make a quick buck. These guys are sold with the impression that they won't get over 10 pounds in weight. Lilly is almost 3 years old and is a happy piggy at a healthy 60 pounds :D There is NO SUCH THING as a 10 pound pig and "teacup" pig isn't a real breed. It's a made-up buzzword to sell baby piglets to uneducated people.


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Charlie is pictured above snuggling Nikki after a delightful session of ripping up the paper stuffing from in the cardboard box. Haha! She is our most recent rescue and this poor girl has had it worse than any of the pigs we've met at the sanctuary. Her family banished her to the outside after raising her as an indoor pig. She slept under her owner's porch, even in the extreme Utah winter nights. For the first year of Charlie's life her owner only fed her human baby food and she never got the proper nutrition she needed. She escaped her yard and disappeared into the mountains behind her owner's home. Nobody knows how long she was lost up there or how she survived all by her lonesome, but she definitely paid a hefty price. She can barely walk and has a severe limp. We suspect she broke her leg and it healed incorrectly. Watching her try to get up from a laying position brings tears to my eyes every single time; she moans cries of pain as she struggles to sort of throw herself onto her feet. We grab her lower body and help lift her up when we are around to help her, but what she really needs is proper veterinary care. Your donation helps us to get the care she needs so she can live out the rest of her life in peace and happiness with a loving family.


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Booker is a pure Juliana mini pig. The characteristics of Julianas can be found [here](http://www.julianapig.com/BreedStandard.html) if you're interested. Suffice it to say, they are adorable! Booker is the first piggy that we bought from a reputable breeder. The breeder was very educated and was a shining example of what ALL mini pig breeders should be like. Her site is [MajesticMiniPigs.com](http://www.majesticminipigs.com/) for those that are interested. However, please do plenty of research and ask tons of questions before you commit; taking care of piggies is like taking care of a herd of permanent toddlers. I'm not exaggerating. Toddlers that can bite your finger off if you don't know how to handle them.


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Piper is Booker's half sister and we got her from the same breeder. This time we drove five hours to Vegas to pick her up whereas booker came to us via air. When we picked up Booker from the airport he was shivering and scared. We felt really bad for him and decided to never do that again. It was a long car ride, but Piper was loved and cared for the whole way so she was content the entire time :) She is an adorable little piglet and we love her to death. She's already been a great addition to our little piggie family. Lilly and Charlie have already accepted her. Booker is starting to come around, but just like siblings do, they have little rivalries for who gets to snuggle on mommy's lap. Hahaha :P
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