268 фолловеров




Im Nikorasu_HK Or Niko, or Rasu, or HK I am currently doing a Final Fantasy Marathon from FF 15 to FF1 and their side games, not counting 14 and 11. Sometimes Ill do a quick cheeky KH lv 1 stream (as im slowly going through the main KH games at lv 1) or even an art stream or smash stream - who knows? Isabelle main btw

Completed games

-Final Fantasy XV -Dissidia Final Fantasy 012 - 013 -Final Fantasy XIII -Final Fantasy XIII-2 -Final Fantasy XII ZA -Final Fantasy X -Kingdom Hearts 2 lv 1 rando -Kingdom Hearts Lv 1 -Super Mario Sunshine -Zelda Breath of the Wild master mode 3 hearts -Twilight Princess hero mode 3 hearts shieldless Zora armor Ordon sword

Whats Next?

Final Fantasy XII Reverent Wings Final Fantasy X-2 Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII (No ps4/5 no Remake) Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy Dimensions Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy IV After Years Final Fantasy III Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy I World of Final Fantasy Maybe some other titles like tactics, mystic quest, Stranger of Paradise etc Games that may come out of left field sometimes - Zelda 3 heart series KH LV 1 Series Fortnite??? Osu!??? maybe Mother series? probably Xenoblade 1 sometime?