Profile banner for ninjaginga07



I'm here for a good time, not a long time.

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Welcome All! I'm a Baker by Trade, Gamer for Life, but a Father First! Stop by any time! Just trying to build a community and have a great time! You can accomplish anything! I love making YouTube Videos with my son and going on epic adventures!
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❤️--Please don't feel obligated to donate!--❤️ I'm here to have a good time and make new connections! Any donations received with support my son and my stream! I will continue to entertain and game no matter what! ❤️‍🔥--Thank you!--❤️‍🔥
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Let's Play Some Mini Games in Chat! 🎮 !Quest points !Gamble points !8ball question !Duel username points 🥷NinjaGinga07 Attack/Defend Mini Game: Friendly attack to another member in Chat, You must defend the attack within 10 seconds! Who's got ninja skills? 💪 !attack @username !defend @username !QA @username !QD @username
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Feel free to use any commands in chat to keep it interesting! !Quote !watchtime !followers !followage !Twitter !YouTube !hug !uptime !death !socials !discord !host !wake1 !wake2 !stream !accountage !TikTok !hey !hello !lurk
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