Profile banner for njagos



Streaming for years, can't stop won't stop.

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My name is Dario, I'm 24 years old and from Germany. Started streaming in German in 2012. Started streaming in English in January 2018. I tend to play a lot of different games. I have been streaming for years now and I still love doing it most of the time. The only thing I want is an active chat, I love to talk and make people smile. My English can be scuffed sometimes but it's getting better everyday. (My channel points got some cool features check it out) ##Important dates: 3.6. My birthday 2.7.: Stream-Birthday [JOIN THE DISCORD]( **Have Fun!**
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##Specs & Co: - EVGA GTX 3080 - RYZEN 5 5600X - Headset: Sennheiser PC 360 - Rode NT-USB - 32 GB 4000MHZ RAM (DDR4) - Pimax 5K
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dont need tips right now thanks give it to charity or buy your parents a small gift instead :]