Profile banner for noobdotdot



Long time gamer, new to streaming. I play lots of games, hope you enjoy your stay!

About Me

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Hi! My name is NoobDotDot, or you may call me Drew. I work full time, and game when I can.


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Make it rain!

Chat Rules

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Please be respectful to everyone in the chat. Neither me or my mods or viewers will tolerate serious hate towards each other. We are here for good times


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Right now it's looking like I'll be streaming whenever I am able. I work full time so obviously this is going to come before gaming.


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I play a ton of games. Here's a few of my favorite. Smite | Tekken | Final Fantasy |


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I usually play whatever is on my Spotify, but feel free to request a song!


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Follow if you'd like to creep on me

Nerd Or Die

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No, I did not create my own panels. Nerd Or Die has made an awesome little program that makes really cool panels for any Twitch streamer, new or old! This guy has helped me figure everything out I know about streaming and I thank him tremendously for it!