Profile banner for norg0z



Comedian, Esports Commentator, Talk Show Host, Voice Actor. - Business inquires:

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***** #Welcome Warriors! Stand-up Comedian, Competitive For Honor Caster, Talk Show Host and Voice Actor are titles all Norgoz embraces as a full-time Independent Performer. Norgoz's content places the focus on humor, chat engagement and informative gameplay. Our content and community is primarily based in For Honor, with occasional variety (more on YouTube). The House Goz Shield Wall is a strong, tightly-knit community that is welcoming to new members. Wherever you're from, we're glad you're here! Feel free to introduce yourself whenever you're ready!
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***** Not Required. **Disclaimer:** *Sending money through this link is considered a gift, not payment for goods/services, and is furthermore non-refundable. Thank you.*
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I'm pretty chill as long as you are respectful, which are what these rules are centered around. ***** - **Ask before posting links** - **Respect other viewers, streamers, Mods** - **Inappropriate names will be banned** - **NO self-promotion. Example: "I stream too"** - **NO politics, racism, sexism or religion** - **NO unsolicited hints, tips, or spoilers** - **NO spamming, whining, or other drama** - **Avoid sharing deeply personal issues in chat** *****
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Norgoz's Intro/Theme is Valhalla Calling. [Spotify]( [Bandcamp]( [itunes](
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[Spotify]( [Bandcamp](