Profile banner for normul8or



My goal is not only to inspire people to play simulation and strategy games, but to be inspired by our community through our interaction. Come say hello...relax and enjoy!

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Anyone who would like to support the channel financially can click the image above. Your support, while not mandatory, is greatly appreciated as it will allow me to continue streaming full time into the future. And that would be Amazing! Thank You!
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Hello, my name is Mark. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember, all the way back to the original Atari console, through generations of Nintendo systems, Playstation, and most recently, more than a decade on XBox 360 and XBox One. I've played a wide variety of games, from sports titles to adventure games, first person shooters to Simulation and Strategy games. If you want to know more about my gaming experience, feel free to ask, I'd love to share!
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