notalive_zombie 프로필 배너

팔로워 253명


notalive_zombie here, GREAT King of the Undead. I'm a variety streamer, streaming at a variety of hours! All are welcomed to sit in and listen, participate and just making some new friends.

Stream Loots

패널 콘텐츠


패널 콘텐츠
Where all the art for the channel comes from!


패널 콘텐츠
notalive_zombie brand merchandise!

Chat Commands

!lurk - Lurk !hello - say hello !social - pulls up social stuff !weatherlookup - look up the weather! !so - Shout outs! !marker !filter !game !regular !fc - Friend Code For Switch!

Chat Words!

Bruh Nope Misery Very Good Help Me I'm Sorry Thank You Hello Fart Nani Shoshon Mother Lightning America Bustin Deus Vult Crusade Ballin Decapitation Bitch Frat Storm My Mom


패널 콘텐츠
Got a bit of extra health? Feel like giving? Then go ahead and drop some of that wealth here!