Банер на профила за nothakumi

1,5 хил. последователи


NotHakumi предава поточно Black Desert.

Съдържание на панел
Don't even bother subbing, I barely stream

Off as I don't deserve it. Thanks a lot to everyone that donated

Съдържание на панел
Donations cannot be refunded Text to speech : on J0nas5 55€ + 56 Gift Subs Scubar 150€ Patteh01 40€ Silchi 30€ Thanks for the support !
Съдържание на панел
If you want to reach to the community or me while stream is offline > Easy discord. I tend to speak a bit more on discord than on stream but ye, if you need anything, it's there https://discord.gg/7z43TYH or click on the image
Съдържание на панел
!Youtube1 !Youtube2 !Followage !Remake !Risee