868 位追隨者


That one gay that doesn't play Dead by Daylight.

Hey there! The name's Nyx. I'm a game designer by day, and a gamer by night. You can usually catch me streaming RPGs, mobile games, and co-op stuff =). Feel free to say hi and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Spice up chat with some sound commands! Just enter any of the bolded commands below in chat for some extra special hilarity. If you rack up 60K channel points, you can request a command of your own! # Viewer Custom Sound Commands **!ambur** - *"But everybody in my family calls me... Amburrrrrr."* - ***from [voxaemeroon](https://twitch.tv/voxaemeroon)*** **!attention** - *"Attention duelists!"* - ***from [Avarice424](https://twitch.tv/avarice424)*** **!baga** - *"Much betta!"* - ***from [voxaemeroon](https://twitch.tv/voxaemeroon)*** **!bimini** - *"Is it cold in here or is it just my nipples?"* - ***from [MMan9000](https://twitch.tv/mman9000)*** **!brenda** - *"Cindy the news is on! Another lil' white girl done fell down the well!"* - ***from [MMan9000](https://twitch.tv/mman9000)*** **!choices** - *"Look at your life, look at your choices."* - ***from [Spudmuffin](https://twitch.tv/spudmuffin)*** **!chopsuey** - *"Cheap and tasty chop suey!"* - ***from [voxaemeroon](https://twitch.tv/voxaemeroon)*** **!ehe** - *"Ehe te nandayo!?"* - ***from [kingkak13](https://twitch.tv/kingkak13)*** **!excuseme** - *"Excuse me, can I please talk to you for a minute?"* - ***from [Arrman](https://twitch.tv/arrman)*** **!jujubee** - *"Sorry I'm late! I didn't wanna come...ha ha ha!"* - ***from [MMan9000](https://twitch.tv/mman9000)*** **!psi** - *"I don't understand... I don't understand! I don't understand, bitch, I don't understand! I don't understand, bitch."* - ***from [MMan9000](https://twitch.tv/mman9000) in loving memory of Psiguy <3*** **!pword** - *"Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass p-word"* - ***from [rip_thechatbot](https://twitch.tv/rip_thechatbot)*** **!shaxx** - *"Yesssssssss! Delightful!"* - ***from [kingkak13](https://twitch.tv/kingkak13)*** **!tamperin** - *"She's tamperin' in dark-sided stuff!!"* - ***from [rip_thechatbot](https://twitch.tv/rip_thechatbot)*** # General Sound Commands **!angie** - *"ooh, ooh, ah, ooh, ooh!"* **!beast** - *"BEAST of the west"* **!body** - *"That's a nice body..."* **!bs** - *"F---ing bull----, f---ing bull----, f---ing bull----, holy s---, oh f---er"* **!dahlia** - *"Hang in there, darlin'!"* **!dahlia2** - *"Woo! Lookin' forward to it!"* **!drag** - *"F--- my drag, right?"* **!fab** - *"Darling, you're looking just fabulous!"* **!gasp** - *"gasp, gasp, gasp, ooooooooh"* **!kayron** - *"Scream for me!"* **!kitty** - *"Meow meow, meow meow meow meow!"* **!lipsync** - *"The time has come! For you to lipsync... for... your... LIFE!"* **!luna** - *"I will punish you!"* **!meh** - *"MEH MEH MEH!"* **!mlrin** - *"Ahaha, you're welcome~"* **!narty** - *"You are narty!"* **!ohmy** - *"Ooooooh myyyyy..."* **!ohoho** - *"Ohohohohoho! Oooohohohohohoho!"* **!papi** - *"Oh! It's so big..."* **!pearl** - *"How DARE you!?"* **!shade** - *RuPaul's shade noise* **!stene** - *"Kiss my feet! I will step on you..."* **!tasty** - *"That sure looks tasty..."* **!werk** - *"Time to werk."* **!zeke** - *"The eye of shining justice is THROBBING!"*
1. Keep it civil! Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an instant ban. 2. Please just ask before posting links! 3. Advice is always appreciated, but please keep the backseat gaming to a minimum. Trust me, I'll ask for help when I need it =). 4. Please refrain from asking for identifying personal information. (e.g., What company do you work for? What year were you born? etc.) 5. Be respectful with the chat sound commands! They're there for everyone to enjoy and can make chat a lot more fun, but spamming them will ruin the chat experience for everyone.
Come join our community to chat all things games and get updates on when I go live!