Profile banner for oakteaparty



.(*๓´╰╯`๓) ... Hihi I'm Oaktea! I am a traditional anime artist working in watercolor and copics. I'm the bob ross of gay witchy girls--come for the art, stick around for the wholesome vibes! ✧༺♥༻∞

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Hello, my name is Oaktea! I'm an anime/manga artist that uses traditional techniques, from Portland, OR. Thank you so much for being here! 💖 Check below for the rules, and enjoy your stay~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  **rules**  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ >。☆。 be respectful of others! don't be poopy > >。☆。 18+ chat, do NOT post identifying information about yourself or others, real or fictional > >。☆。 listen to mods; DO NOT ARGUE WITH THE MODS > >。☆。 Keep conversation with streamer/mods contained within twitch chat; please do not post links unless prompted > >。☆。 **if you ever need to change the topic, for any reason, you can use the "lucky topic" redeem or dm a mod if you would like to remain anonymous and the subject will be changed, no questions asked** ♥ > >。☆。 english only chat please 💕 Oaktea emotes made by ♥ [Heartsome_NaNa]( ♥ and animated by ♥ [Existential Bread]( ♥
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Stream and Discord Events! We have weekly and monthly events; special events and schedule updates will be listed here as well. 💖 **Special Events** + Spice Celebration: Tuesday, August 1st, 2-6pm PT + August Artshare: Sunday, August 6, 2-6pm PT + 7K Party: date tbd, special events happening now in the discord! **Weekly Discord Events** + Tuesdays: Teatime! 7-11pm PT (watch party starts at 8) + First Friday Movie Nights 6-11pm PT (watch party starts at 8)
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Join the discord and check the stream-rewards channel for bonus rewards for everyone! **Twitch Subscribers** As a thank you for your support, subscribers receive the following rewards: + Access to the subs only discord channel + Special digital rewards + Community Day perks + Sub badges + Oaktea Emotes (oakteeeemotes?)
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° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ **ways to support** ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° >♥ [donate]( ♥ > >♥ become a [patron]( ♥ > >♥ [subscribe]( ♥ > >♥ [Shop in the Oaktea Shop]( ♥ > >♥ leave a lurk ♥ > >♥ tell a friend about oaktea ♥ > >♥ follow, like, comment, save and/or share on [instagram]( and [twitter]( ♥ (´;ω;`) Thank you for supporting what I do! 💖
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ **FAQs** ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* Please feel welcome to ask me anything at any time, I'm an open book! ♥ But if you would rather lurk or need a reference while I'm offline, here are the most common questions that I get ~ hope it helps! ♥ ★ **What materials are you using?** >Copic liners, Kuretake watercolor, arches hot press watercolor paper ★ **What does your name mean?** >Oaktea is a type of medicinal tea made from the bark of white oak trees. I love herbology, and you can often find this symbolism in my art! ♥ ★ **When is [insert thing here that Oak needs to do] going to happen?** >I am really slow at everything, sorry!! I do all of this myself and it's a lot of work; if you are waiting on something from me (for example, a giveaway prize) don't worry, I do keep track of everything and I make sure it goes out, but it can take a while sometimes ~ thank you for your patience! 💖 ★ **Are you playing copyrighted music?** >Yes ~ however, I pay a music service for the rights to play the music on my stream. If you like what you hear and would like to sign up to use music for your projects, I highly recommend [Epidemic Sound]( <--and if you use that link and sign up for the service, you'll be supporting my stream as well! ♥ ★ **What are your influences as an artist?** >I love everything retro (60s-90s)--fashion, anime and manga, art etc. Artists that inspire me include CLAMP, Leiji Matsumoto, Haiyao Miyazaki, Junji Ito, Ai Yazawa, Naoko Takeuchi, Aubrey Beardsley, Egon Schiele, and numerous, numerous others! ★ **What setup do you recommend for traditional art streamers?** > This is a bit complicated and I want to make a youtube video to actually answer this question in depth 😂 but to answer as best I can, it takes a while to put together a good setup unless you have a lot of money right away. So do the best you can, there is nothing wrong with assembling as you go! ♥