obzzarver 프로필 배너

팔로워 912명


Non-flavour of the week streams, sandbox/building, social and management games primarily. Founder of DonkeyBusiness.net Multigaming Community. All welcome in stream, political correctness discouraged, but not being a duchebag required :)

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For our community gaming events, it is sometimes required to have joined our steam group, and it is also always easier to find us all through it and the event schedules.

Streaming Schedule:

Weekdays, after normal work hours EU time whenever I feel like it. Weekends, same rule, except all day if I'm up for it :)


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Watching my stuff is all I can ask for, and spreading the word is the best gift you can give me! If you however have money to throw out the window, I'm happy to spend them on improving my content in stead :)

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*Q: Are you a Viking? *A: I do Descend from them at least, but I'm a bit short on my raping and pillaging quota to truly call myself one. *Q: How long did it take to grow your beard? *A: I started saving it back in 2007, however I'd say it hasn't gotten any longer after the first 4 years or so. *Q: Come on TS/Vent/Skype/whatever voice chat *A: For games that requires me to narrate what I'm doing, such as most sandbox/building games, I find it very impractical to be on voicechat. Either because it becomes a weird none-fluent mix of me talking to myself and ocasionally to someone on voicechat, or because people in voicechat are talking to themselves about what they see or do that has zero to do with what the stream is watching. *Q: Can I join you? *A: Generally yes. I love to play with people and get to know new friends, but depending on the game and my mood I may be doing solo stuff. Also, heres a few things I require since you are joining not just me but my broadcast: 1 - acceptable sound quality and push to talk or no background noise. 2 - Nornmal online/stream etiquette (i.e dont go off narrating your own actions if you are not directly involved in whats going on in the stream). 3 - I gotta be able to have a reasonable leveled interaction with you. therefor if you are 13 and since I'm 36, that's not gonna work. *Q: How can I request music? *A: For the most part I find music to be noisy and disturbing on streams, usually to loud, usually not to half the viewer's taste, and it also makes twitch mute large parts of the stream recording due to copyright issues. For these reasons I very rarely play music on my streams, except if I'm slacking without camera and mic some times. *Q: Why don't you stream -insert game- Anymore? *A: This channel just like my youtube, is about a theme, not a singular game. I love to explore the innovations and mechanics of new games, particularely games that allows me to create things. As a potential follower, this channel is one you should re-visit if you are interested in whats going on in new games of that type, and social interactions #DonkeyBusiness community, within them. That being said, while I tend to focus on one or two games at a time for 1-4 weeks on average, I regularly re-visit them as they receive significant content updates. (being that I tend to focus on early access games). *Q: -insertwhatever- is Offensive! *A: NO! (also that's not a question). This is a fairly honest, adult, polite, keeping it real kinda channel. The purpose of what we say or do is rarely if ever to offend anyone, but if you are the kind of person that scour the world for things to be offended by, you may kindly move on from here. Recreational outrage is a much bigger problem then the occasional offense these days. The phrase 'trigger warning' makes me sick to my stomach, and so does most extremist brainwashed viewpoints, politically, socially and religiously.. and I reserve the right to express just that when it comes up.


* Don't be a Dick