Profile banner for occultapus



Occult octopus. Sea Witch. Probably Ursula.

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If you prefer Amazon over Throne, here's my amazon wishlist! This one is mostly items I want/need for my sewing stuff so I can start my etsy shop!
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Hi ya! I'm Occultapus! I'm lvl 35 and been married to one handsome devil for 15 years. We have 2 demon spawns (referred to as ladybug and bear cub for privacy), 3 hell hounds (Bellatrix Lestrange, Alexandra, and Willow) and one hell cat (Mochi). I'm a non-theist pagan, hoarder of books, metal head, ADHD crafter, fucked up anime watcher, connoisseur of dark humor memes, and I'm a terribad gamer. I'm also old af, so remember that when you try to troll me and it doesn't make me cry or offend me. I KNOW I'm old af. I KNOW I'm fat. I KNOW I'm crazy. I KNOW I'm bad at video games. But ya know...have fun with that.
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I suck at the whole talking thing...but if you wanna come check out the discord and steal some memes and maybe watch some funny karen fails with me, clicky the button. We have cookies! Probably. Somewhere. Maybe...
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While tips are appreciated, they are NEVER required!! If you want to help support me and the channel, please click the image above. All funds are non-refundable so keep that in mind.
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Did you know that I have a merch store? Click the image above to be taken to the shop and check out the cool occult shit I got!
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I post too much IRL shit on Twitter. I'm mentally unstable. You've been warned.
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I sometimes post to the IG.
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Hey! If you wanna spoil me a little bit, check out my throne wishlist! Throne is awesome and keeps everyone's privacy safe. Clicky the image above to see what I've got on there!