Баннер профиля для ocpodcast

159 фолловеров


We are the Overseas Connection Podcast. We talk about games and gaming. We cater to a more mature audience so kiddies plug your ears! We go LIVE on or about 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern and 9pm UK every SUNDAY. Follow us on Twitter @OC_Podcast

Follow Us!

Содержимое панели
You can find and follow your favourite hosts on Twitter. We love our fans but following any one of us does not guarantee a return follow. The Show @OC_Podcast * Greg D @OC_MurphysLaw * Nicole R @OC_Amahryllis * Robin T @BongotheSane * Richard W @BigBadDaddy * Kim W @gamergirl27 * Mark W @Markanix * Phil Olson @ph1ltheee *

When Are We Live?

Содержимое панели
We go live with the podcast every Sunday at 9pm UK, 1pm PST, 4pm EST and 3pm CST. Some of the crew members may also stream ad-hoc, watch out for the Twitch and Twitter notifications!!