Profile banner for officeryogibear



Variety Streamer. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

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I'm OfficerYogiBear, Leader of the Sleuths! Thank you for stopping by my stream, I hope you enjoy the content you are witnessing. Cheers! *****
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Subscribe to my channel, for as little as $4.99 a month you can have access to my tier one emote and be a part of the Sleuth family! I appreciate your support! *****
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All donations are extremely appreciated, but not mandatory! If you like the content your eyeballs are seeing, feel free to support me. All donations are non-refundable. Thank you! *****
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+ Please respect everyone. + Chatting is encouraged. + Keep being legendary. + Please no Spamming. + No Self-Promoting. *****
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Stay up to date! Follow my Twitter for updates on the stream, my wild life, and other nonsense! I will Tweet if the stream is delayed or canceled! *****
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Join the Sleuths! You can be apart of the community as well, join our discord and connect with all the members! *****