Profile banner for okayluhx



aint that just the way

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hi!! i'm kayla. here's some information about me :] ❥ pronouns; she/they ❥ 18 ❥ i play valorant, sims 4, stardew valley, minecraft and other games!
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❥ pls no slurs, even if you can reclaim them ❥ dont be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc ❥ no spam or ur cringe ❥ no self promo either pls ❥ be nice! mean-ish jokes are okay, but dont cross a line ❥ pls keep chat to english ❥ just don't be a freak ❥ have fun!
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❥ tips are completely optional, but greatly appreciated ❥ tips are non-refundable
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