Profile banner for oktoberfest__



oktoberfest__ streams Clash Royale and PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS.

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Donations are not required, but greatly appreciated. They support the stream quality and quantity, a better video card and enough beer to fill up "Das Boot"!! Please keep in mind that donations are non refundable. Thank you! Special thanks to Myles Bennett Dyson for making the fantastic "Arnold dubbed beat".

Best games everrrrrr!!!

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Note: (This list is a still a work in progress. Based on my long gaming experience.) 1. Ultima Online - One of the games that started it all for me. I had played on consoles previously and got into some computer games later on. However, the complete ability to do pretty much what ever you wanted. Clan wars, using the guards to kill people and then loot them, running into houses and causing ruckus. I spent so many nights in the Britannia graveyard causing trouble, was so fun! 2. GTA Vice City - Man what can I say... the 80's were the best. The music just made that game amazing. Ray Liotta voice acting come on!!! Nothing like jumping into a hot rod and having Judas Priest blasting. You just had to floor it and go off a jump or something. 3. Baldur's Gate 1 + 2 - These games were so good. The story was amazing and really put Bioware on the map. You really became attached to your team in the final boss battles. 4. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - This game was free.... I spent so much time playing these 6 maps. Nothing like jumping into a battle with the flamethrower. The voice commands were hilarious, especially on the German side. 5. WOW - I used to play with my wife alot. We had so much fun in the early days with wow. I even went to a few Blizzcon's. The huge maps and open world pvp were cute. We played alliance on Spinebreaker. Think they were the strongest horde server, so we had plenty of action.


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Games I enjoy streaming are: Clash Royale, Overwatch, Brutal Legend