Záhlaví kanálu oliviaslays

21 tis. sledujících


Here be Dragons

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-Subscribing is the best way to support my streams and also gives you a special role in my Discord, Ad free, and some amazing emotes! - Thank you so much for your support! - [Click HERE! for the $4.99 sub!](https://www.twitch.tv/products/olivialovesskyrim/ticket?ref=below_video_subscribe_button) - [Click HERE! for the $9.99 sub!](https://www.twitch.tv/products/olivialovesskyrim_2000/ticket?ref=below_video_subscribe_button) - [Click HERE! for the $24.99 sub!](https://www.twitch.tv/products/olivialovesskyrim_3000/ticket?ref=below_video_subscribe_button)
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[Link to Donate!](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/oliviaslays) **Every cent helps to improve my channel!** **Thank you all so much to everybody who has donated over the years! There are genuinely too many of you to list, but I love and appreciate you all so much!**
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**-Modern Warfare** **- Rainbow Six (Sometimes)** **- Borderlands every so often!**
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-Formerly known as OliviaLovesSkyrim + I'm 22 years old - I live on a farm in Georgia + I graduated from College of Charleston - I love meeting new people and talking to everybody in chat! -My main game is Modern Warfare!
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**JOIN THE DISCORD!!** We have an extremely active, close community which has sub roles, private sub channels, and voice chats for you to interact and keep up with everything that happens on and off stream!
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