Profile banner for omninept



I lead The Omniscient. My preference is for fast-paced, mechanically-intensive games but those are in short supply these days. I don't take public lobbies seriously, so feel free to ask questions and chat — you'll never see me tilt. Discourse on politics and religion is welcome.

Omni Accolades (Current)

*One asterisk indicates no losses, no draws* *Two asterisks indicates no losses, one draw* ##Gundam Evolution * GENL Summer Clash: 1st Place * * GunEvo Showdown #3 $20k Tourney: 1st Place * (Mafty) & 3rd Place (Kamille - Omni & friends) * Creature Cup #2: 1st Place * * GENL Best of the West: 1st * (Mafty) and 2nd Place (Char) * Weasel Cup #3: 1st Place * * IBL Cup: 1st Place * * Creature Cup #1: 1st Place * * Weasel Cup #1: 1st Place * * GENL Breakout Series #3: 2nd Place * GENL Breakout Series #2: 1st Place * * GENL Breakout Series #1: 1st Place * * GunEvo Showdown #2 $20k Tourney: 2nd Place * GENL Halloween Havoc: 2nd Place

Chat Rules

Too many people avoid conversations by citing an aversion to "politics". But politics — especially in the States — comprises so many essential topics. If you're avoiding political conversations, you're avoiding conversations about science, human rights, education, healthcare, religion, social structure, and more. If you're avoiding political conversations, you're hiding from some of the most important conversations you can have. ##Rules - Be respectful. Attack the argument, not the person - Support your position with actual (verifiable) data and reasoned arguments - Don't stray from Twitch TOS ##Suggestions - Broach topics of interest; don't worry about matching your opinions to mine - Recognize the limits of your expertise - Don't cling to untenable positions - If I say something you don't like, challenge me

The Omniscient

The Omniscient are a group of competitively-oriented friends who've taken top honours across ladders and leagues in various games — among them, Unreal 2 XMP, Lineage 2, Fallen Empire: Legions, T:WFC, Battlefield 3, Hawken, Battlefield 1, and Battlefield 2042. We select games based on our interests and our preference for high mechanical skill ceilings. Unfortunately, we're currently playing Battlefield. #Active Gundam Evolution Roster: Aero Baddie Baranox Carl Daveed devotion Enders Focus James Kaiser Kasino Lystic Nnox Profi Zerohour Zyros

Omni Accolades (History)

*One asterisk indicates no losses, no draws* *Two asterisks indicates no losses, one draw* ##Unreal 2 XMP * iLan Gaming League Champions (NA/EU)* ##UT2003 * TWL Instagib Duel Champion * ##Lineage 2 * First Castle taken/held — Devianne ##Fallen Empire: Legions * BFCL TDM Champions * * BFCL CTF League Season 1 NA/EU —2nd Place * BFCL CTF League Champions ** ##Battlefield 3 * TWL TDM Ladder Champions * * TWL Hardcore TDM Ladder Champions * ##Hawken * TPG League Season 1 (TDM) Champions * * TPG League Season 2 (MA) Champions * * TPG League Season 3 (MA) Champions * TPG League 3v3 Cup Champions * ##Battlefield 1 * HCL Conquest Ladder Champions * * HCL Rush Ladder Champions * * HCL Invitational — Conquest Champions * * HCL Invitational — Rush Champions * * BFNations NA Incursions League Champions ** ##Battlefield V *Most members stopped playing before competition arose, but some Omni participated in the following competitions on mixed teams:* * ESB 8v8 First Cup NA/EU Co-Champions (Omni/VII/ZDE mix) ** * MB League S2 (participated in NNA's 1st-place finish) * BFNations Spring Cup (participated in NNA's 1st-place finish) ##Battlefield 2042 * ESB Fight Night 4v4 Delta Series (participated in Team Yeahhh's 1st-place finish) * ESB Fight Night 4v4 Echo Series - Champions *

Specs and Settings

##PC - 5950x - 1080TI - 64 GB 3600 MHZ RAM ##Peripherals - Logitech G305 Mouse - Logitech G815 Keyboard - Razor Seiren Elite Mic - Sony WH800 Wireless Headphones - $15 Mouse Pad (Currently HyperX) ##In-Game - 10.5 inches/360 (have run everything from 1 to 15 inches/360; normally between 6 and 9) - 1600 DPI - 69 FOV (85 Horizontal) *Nice*