Profile banner for one_eyed_gopher



I'm One Eyed Gopher and I play a little bit of everything, feel free to say hi and if you like what you see, be sure to give me a follow if you enjoy the stream.

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Look, if I can stream, anyone can. Streamlabs OBS makes it so simple that even a caveman can do it (don't sue me Geico!) But seriously, if you're considering streaming, or are already streaming but not using Streamlabs OBS, click the image above and try it out. The worst that happens is you hate it, and I make a little bit of money!
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My name is One Eyed Gopher and I would like to thank you for checking out my channel. I'm just another dude that likes video games and enjoys streaming them online. Please be sure to hit that little heart button if you enjoy the stream!!
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Please be respectful of others in chat. No uncomfy subjects, no racism, no politics. Ultimately, don't be a jerk and everything will be fine.
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All donations I receive will go towards improving the stream in some capacity.
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Who am I kidding, I stream haphazardly at best. All times listed are EST and are subject to change at any time.
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@1idgofr 80% of my posts are trying to earn a free entry to a Draft Kings event, but I do post funny stuff from time to time.