Profile banner for oneflamingbear



oneflamingbear (He/They) is a polyamorous bisexual non-binary trans man and Twitch's resident Trans Dad! When not on Twitch they spend their time fighting for intersectional equity #BlackTransLivesMatter #stopapihate

Who is oneflamingbear?

oneflamingbear is a bi non-binary Trans man based just north of Seattle. He has been involved with Trans advocacy for 15+ years and counting. You will usually find him in other folks streams but occasionally does so himself. He/Him or They/Them pronouns

Community Guidelines

~ DO NOT be racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, or ablest. ~Keep things PG 13+ ~Please be kind to one another ~No spoilers ~Have fun! This space is about building community!


Thank you so much for wanting to donate! Donations gathered during normal streams go to oneflamingbear to help afford keeping the stream going. Donations gathered during charity streams get donated to the associated orgs. All donations are final Venmo: @oneflamingbear Cashapp: @oneflamingbear