ผู้ติดตาม 208 คน


Taking a well earned break, could be back but no promises.

Hey everyone. Thank you for taking the time to look me up. Based in the UK, mainly play Dungeons & Dragons with a varied mix of good friends and like minded Streamers. RPG style games with some silly stuff inbetween is also a must. I also make Battle Maps, mainly for VTT fantasy games. Looking to form a friendly and helpful community of RPG enthusiasts.
Be Kind Be Respectful No Hate Speech Listen To Your Mods Have Fun Relax Be Excellent To Each Other
Homlessness has always been something very close to my heart. I have been an regular supporter for many years of "Crisis" https://www.crisis.org.uk From their website: "We are the national charity for homeless people. We help people directly out of homelessness and campaign for the changes needed to solve it altogether". In the future it is my hope to run charity streams to support this cause and many others like it.
Provided these excellent panels.
All donations are very much appreciated but never expected. Thank you for your support.