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Kards Kards Kards

Youtube Channel(old)

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Feel free to check out my videos if you liked the stream :)

About Me

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23 years old. I grew up in upstate New York in the late 90s/early00s Before moving to New Zealand for a year, great stuff for sure, those accents are fine as mmmm. after that I moved Hawaii for a year to finish high school but they didnt accept my credits from New Zealand so I had to get my GED :/. Now I reside in West Los Angeles being a No life doing a bit of acting and a bit of college and way to many video games


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Intel 4770k GTX 780 corsair Vengeance ram 16 gb 4 TB HD 2 HD 120 gb SSd EVGA 1000 watt power suppy corsair H100i CPU cooler


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