
I'm a speedrunner of various games. Mostly I run indie platformers, but recently I've been running Clubhouse Games, and I'm likely to start running more Switch games in the near future!


I have a discord server now! Join for updates about life, runs, PBs, and music, as well as just to have a good time! https://discord.gg/CJxYU4M

Who is orucsoraihc?

I'm a college student, streaming during my free time (and, more often than I should, when my time is not so free :P ). I mostly speedrun and stream Super Lumi Live and OCTAHEDRON at the moment, but also run VVVVVV occasionally and play Minecraft with incresing frequency. If you have any questions about me, about what I do, or about games I run, I am always ready to answer! I love a talkative chat and am willing to answer anything and talk to almost anyone! An empty chat is boring, and makes me not want to stream as much :( Please talk to me if you stop in, even if it's just to say you're here!

Things I've Made:

VVVVVV Bingo! (wip) https://mfbc.us/m/aj68f4

I have a twitter now
