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OtterLinks streams Celeste and Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest.

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Hola! en este canal solía hacer speedruns de DKC2, ahora estoy más interesado en jugar otros juegos de manera casual, principalmente FTL. Tal vez en el futuro vuelva a hacer speedruns, habrá que ver :) Hey, I used to do DKC2 speedruns, now I'm more interested in playing other games and making music, mostly playing FTL. **Current PB's** **DKC2 Any%:** [40:46]( **Speedrunning highlights** **DKC2 Any% in [41:09]( performed at GDQ HOTFIX showcase.** This was my old PB and it was so hype to get it in a race setting it has to be remembered :') **Check my social media for random stuff and news :D** [**Twitter**](
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