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Our expertise lies in developing video games with big influencers. We collaborated three times with Felix Kjlellberg, a.k.a. PewDiePie : on his extremely successful first game PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist, our flagship game PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator, and, more recently, on PewDiePie’s Pixeling

Indies VS PewDiePie Game Jam!

PewDiePie's Paradise Island This is gonna be a platformer survival game where PewDiePie has to survive on a lonely island, everything trying to kill him. Highscore will probably be the total time you survive. The game is made using Unity 4.5.5f1 Language is C# To see more about the game jam: Google indies vs pewdiepie

Web Player & Windows Final Builds!

[Game Build]( [Unity Web Player Download]( This is where you rate for the game too! Follow us on Twitter! @Outerminds