Profile banner for outhouse0utlaw



Streaming Fallout 4 with 7 viewers

Welcome to the shart squad! We stream a bunch of different games. Everything from FPS to RPG. My favorite part of streaming is interacting with you guys and getting to build a community. Ask a mod about joining the toilet bowl!

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Welcome to the shart squad! I am a small streamer who loves to meet new friends through streaming. I have been gaming on PC for around 2 years. I have squirrel brain so I play a lot of games. Mostly a fan of RPG and MMO's. Also due to squirrel brain I may not be the best at reading chat, but my favorite thing is talking with you all! I love to stream with my streaming friends so make sure to check out their channel as well if you see them. Come in and drop a log and let's have some fun!
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- No one under 18 is allowed to join the community. I love everyones support, but due to the content I make it's safer for everyone if we keep it 18+ - No Spam. If you want to market something to me, feel free to send a whisper. Not in chat. - Zero Tolerance for any discrimination/hate for any group, especially those who are marginalized. We are a positive supportive community. - No ages or identifying information. We want everyone to be safe. - Please keep all chats platonic! Compliments make me uncomfy. -MOST OF ALL LET'S ALL HAVE FUN
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I play a lot of different games. Recently I have landed in the world of Space RPG's. I Mostly play No Man's Sky, but also look forward to finding other great games in the genre to share with you all!
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