Profile banner for overlordlondon



Hello and welcome to the OverlordLondon stream! Watch me stumble through technical issues, crap internet and life in general with the grace of a three legged gazelle. Content comes as content comes but you’ll mainly find me on here from 10am - 2pm WST time most days. Fun fun!

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Salutations good people! This is the channel of not very popular streamer overlordlondon. Please don’t comment on the hair situation. Oversizedlemon, and by extension his companion and arch-nemesis Rocket the Super Stealth Cat, mainly stream F2P games. Why? Because these are the only games that his computer will let him play and stream at the same time. On the odd occasion a retro “classic” (ie: piece of garbage) may also find its way onto the stream too. Those are the good times. (EDITORS NOTE: We are now primarily a Duel Links stream so if you like to get your game on daily then this is the place for you!) Overthehedge despises schedules, but has promised his fan base of 3 people (himself, his cat and his Mum) that he will stick to some sort of time plan in regards to streams. You’ll be able to catch him from 11ish until 2ish EVERY SINGLE THURSDAY! And maybe other days too! Sometimes streams go longer, but don’t hold your breath. So please show Overheadstorage some much needed love and affection by giving him a cheeky follow or by trolling him in chat! Thank you!
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The overpricedonion tries to stick to this schedule as best as he can - however, shoddy internet, life quests, or bad hair can get in the way. It also runs on a fortnightly rotation just to make things more confusing. Week 1: Thursday - 11am GMT+8 Saturday - 11am GMT+8 (For this week, be on the lookout for super special BONUS STREAMS which could happen at anytime! Check out the social media links for when these particular streams go live!) Week 2: Thursday - 11am GMT+8
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Check out our Facebook! It's the best way to keep up to date for when the stream goes live! Shoutout in chat if you want a link to the discord, Instagram or twitter!
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The overworldenemy doesn't expect anyone to donate, as he knows gold is hard to come by. But if you have a spare coin or two, feel free to drop it into his money bag. If you give amounts which resemble the number 27 ($0.27, $2.70, $27 etc) overburden will do something special!
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All credit for panels, emoticons and overlays goes to Lookatemtwitch! Go check them out and leave them a follow! I owe them big for making me look pretty.