painlessadventure için profil afişi

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Hi, I'm Painless, leader of the Heroes' Union! Here heroes gather to swap stories, work on self-improvement, and build lasting friendships and alliances for their battles back home. Never give up. Always challenge yourself. Mastery Through Mentorship. Welcome to the Heroes' Union Hall!

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#My Story I'm currently developing an RPG Toolset as part of my content, and will be hopefully using this platform as a way of playtesting and developing new features. It's called the Heroes Union Roleplay Toolset! The Twitter for updates is [here]( I will largely be playing games here, though, unless I have a major update to show you live. I'll usually post that on the Twitter or mention it in the going live post if you follow the channel. #Your Story A big part of the toolset will be stream integration, making members of the audience an important part of what the main players can do. The Toolset will have a setup for the DM, and for several main players who will be directly in control of their own characters and have the story presented to them. Stream viewers will be able to interact at certain points as summoned NPCs, backups, boost-providers or the like, depending on what the DM wants to do. #What Does It All Mean? I will be developing new features based on gameplay from my own homebrew and from feedback I get from viewers and players. If you have any great suggestions please let me know! If you'd like to watch the progress of the project please consider following me. If you'd like to support this project please consider subscribing. Honestly the most valuable thing I could ever receive is feedback, however, so please let me know your thoughts on it and ask any questions you might have. Thank you for reading this far!
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#I've created several commands for you to use to create effects during a live show. I like to improve interactivity as much as possible, so I learned Python to program my own systems. Chat is slowly becoming an RPG XD Some are open for everyone, some are for higher level heroes, and some are SECRET, so keep your eyes open! More to come as they get added in! There are also some secret ones that are available only to people of certain job classes. (don't know what that is? Why not ask? :D )
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#Currently, all tips go towards feeding Painless while he works away on code. Since I eat them, they are non-refundable. Let's not make it weird. $1 - Rootbeer $6 - An entire pizza $24 - Sushi Platter $30 - Fill Fridge with 2 weeks of soda $100 - Why are you tipping this much I primarily support myself, but those long nights are a lot easier with your help, and I really appreciate anything you decide to toss my way if you are willing and able. If you would like to make a one-time tip to show your appreciation, this is the way to do so. Tips are not generally necessary, but all are [appreciated]( ). We thank you just for coming by and hanging out <3
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#First: Welcome! + We love anything with a dark style + Here to have FUN + Likes silliness and puns We're a community of supportive heroes who believe in working together to build each other up and have a good time doing it. Leave your ordinary life behind and take on the role of being the hero you've always wanted to be: a positive attitude, supportive badass allies, a trusty weapon by your side, and plenty of opportunities to practice using it against the forces of darkness >:D Come and hang out with us :) Make some friends, learn something new, explore something different, and take a break from the normal everyday life. Consider following! We'd love to have you.
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Want to get in touch directly? Email is the way to go. + Emails are generally replied to within 24 hours. + If your matter is very sensitive, this is the safest option. + It doesn't have to be business related :P [Contact us here!](
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#Reach Out To Us Here + Be alerted to streams and events! + Be part of our conversations :D + Find New Friends Hey it's the easiest way to be part of our community with no complicated commitment needed. [Hope to see you online!](
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#Home of the Heroes Union Stream Fellowship! + [ShadowKitty75]( + [BerserkDomitron]( + [itsmoirrey](
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#Party Up and play games together + Everyone is welcome + Build great teams and parties with friends + If you need someone to talk to, come on in This is where fellow members hang out, coordinate games, strategize and share tips for gaming, and have a great time. [Please feel welcome, and come in :)](
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#I put any videos of our adventures up on this channel + Get to know our friends with highlight reels + Any tutorials made are posted + Laugh and have a good time :D Our main home is Twitch, but consider [checking out some older videos on youtube for fun.](
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#We want to maintain a healthy environment for everyone + We don't target or attack people here. + We don't tolerate Illegal or harassing behaviour. + We don't use people's real names unless they're cool with it. + We follow the [Twitch ToS]( + Don't be TOO serious :P + If you need to have a serious conversation, consider joining the [discord]( :D + It's more fun to play the game without hints, unless we ask for them. + Feel free to ask any questions!
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#Want to Support Us? Regular support through subscriptions help us grow our community with more tools and assets to use. With enough support, we expand with editing software licensing, sound and video hardware, and naturally games XD All subscribers will gain access to our emotes (TBD as of this writing), subscriber-only chat in the [discord](, and you can also have a custom chat command to use during the stream (pending approval) that will be available, even if you choose to end your subscription renewal. [Considering supporting us!](