Profile banner for paintingtoscale



Heya! Rikki is the name, painting is the thing that keeps me sane. I love hanging out with y'all and listening to chill music while I paint plastic toys (anthropomorphic animals are my favorite) and have a delicious drink.

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**DON'T** Be a dick Talk about your age if you are under 18 (you will be banned if you do) Give constructive criticism UNLESS ASKED **DO** Be respectful and kind Respect my mod Use the channel point rewards excessively Ask first before posting a link HAVE FUN!!
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Hi! My name is Rikki but you can call me PaintingToScale, PTS, Painting, or Scale. I started painting miniatures back in October 2017 and have been streaming on Twitch since May 2018. I don't mind answering questions about myself as long as they are respectful and am very much willing to answer any questions about miniature painting or streaming. Please read the channel rules and have fun!
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What to buy me a coffee or purchase one of our stickers? Make your way to my ko-fi to see all the options!
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Painting is my hobby and stress reliever. I do not make a living off of this so no amount of tips, bits, subs, etc are ever expected, but of course are appreciated. Anything that comes through this channel via bits, tips, or subs, I will do my best to have it all go straight back into this stream to fund overlays, rotating follower emotes, giveaways, purchase supplies/equipment, etc. If you'd rather know exactly where your tip/donation goes, you can check out my Throne account in the panels where you can safely and securely send a gift instead. I love you all and thank you for hanging out with me!
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A way that you can safely send gifts to me, the studio, HubbyPTS, or even the kitties. Nothing is ever expected and everything is appreciated <3
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I launched The Gallery in September of 2020 as a way to provide a chill space to build even more community surrounding art and just hanging out, especially during the weird times of COVID. No go live links, no self-promotion, VERY few announcements. Just any kind of art and chill hangs.
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*PaintingToScale Logo: personal friend *Panels: Nerd or Die free panel maker *Spitachio, Mind Your Ferrules, and Shabby Shit Stickers: designed by Zee Beasts ( or @ZeeTheGoblin on IG) and printer via Rockin Monkey ( // available on my ko-fi *First Cup Club Sticker: Blakkskull1965 (find him on Instagram!) *Custom Heart Hug and Warsh emotes: @AwkwardMonsters on Twitch/IG *Yay! Emote: @rawrharper on Twitter *Lurking, Bwaap, and Wing It Emote: cannot remember (please reach out if you made any of these for me) *Cartoon PTS on BRB screen: @AwkwardMonsters on Twitch/IG
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!bwaap !counter !discord !hype !instagram !kitties !knowmore !lurk !pistachio !schedule !threads !throne !turnip !vortex If you are a subscriber, use the below commands for your pokemon avatar: !jump !dance !hug [@twitch name] !fart !sling [number or -number, ie 45 or -45] If you have any exclusive commands, type in !USERNAMEcomms and it will show you a list of your commands