Profile banner for pandora86



Streaming Apex Legends with 4 viewers

If you want to see good game play, leave now. I don't have full use of either of my hands so I'm terrible at pretty much every game. However, I have A LOT of fun and am very interactive with my chat. I swear, I'm loud, and I have zero fucks left. If you're easily offended or under 18, leave.

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If you're here for good gameplay, leave. I'm not a good gamer, I'm loud, I swear to much and I'm completely inappropriate on so many levels, BUT I have a ton of fun doing it all. I also do not have full use of either of my hands. So I try my best. I invite you to hang out for a bit and see if you can tolerate me. If you like what I do then hit that follow button and come back again! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
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18+ For real though, I have a foul mouth and the conversations in my chat get even worse. If you're easily offended or under 18 I suggest you leave now. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! (Again)
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I suffer from narcolepsy with cataplexy. This can cause me to lose muscle control or have muscle twitching, have automatic movements, or completely pass out. If you have any questions about if feel free to ask.
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Join the Pandora's Box Discord! 18+ (if you're under 18 my mods will find you and kick you.)
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Hey guys. I'm trying to make a come back after some very hard times. If you like what I do feel free to hit that donate button. ***Donations are non-refundable