Profiilibanneri – paranoid_andy

2,6 t. seuraajaa


Come on in :) Have a seat and relax. Feel free to chat, questions are welcome. I play new games and retro. I'm a very random person and my stream reflects that :P

Paneelin sisältö
Hello, my name is Andy and I've been told that I'm paranoid... wait.. did you just hear that?? ehhh anyways, I love new games and retro. Some favorite are Super Metroid, Secret of Mana, Duke Nukem 3D, STALKER, Chrono Trigger, Terraria, Doom, Unreal, Earthbound, Mega Man 3, River City Ransom, Blaster Master, Hollow Knight, Final Fight, Super Double Dragon, Diablo 2, Vanilla WoW, Fallout 2, Life Force, Contra, Metroid, Castlevania SoTN, Final Fantasy 6/7, System Shock 2, Axiom Verge, Doom 64, Mario RPG.
Paneelin sisältö
I enjoy making videos about ... well.. anything really, feel free to check em out :) . [YouTube]( . . . . . .
Paneelin sisältö
Sometimes following me on Twitch isn't the preferred method of knowing when I am streaming. You can also use these to know when I'm live. [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [My Steam]( [Steam Group]( [Discord]( My apologies but because of personal issues I don't have a set streaming schedule.
Paneelin sisältö
What does finestual mean? It's a combination of finesse and sensual. . Where do you live? Florida, United States . What is sexy time? It's a beautiful and magical moment in time when the planets align and sexiness reigns supreme! .
Paneelin sisältö
Intel Core i7 4770k CPU 120gb Kingston SSD 8gb DDR3 2400 RAM NVidia GTX 760 ASRock Z87 Extreme3 Motherboard Blue Desktop Mic Logitec 2.1 Speakers Logitec C910 Webcam E-Blue Cobra Mouse .
Paneelin sisältö
This is where I keep a list of games that I have finished on stream. I'll try to keep it up to date :P . [Completed Games]( . . . . . .
Paneelin sisältö
A few of my personal goals in life, some realistic and some not. Feel free to share yours: -Learn Japanese(Going well) -Bring my YouTube ideas to reality -Make the world a little better for everyone -Improve myself at every opportunity -Fund The Guild (DONE!) -Build The Guild (DONE!) -Travel the world -Collect every SNES game released
Paneelin sisältö
My little area to show off some personal bests and records in video games. . Blaster Master - 38:08 Barbie Super Model - 00:18 Server first Rank 14 Grand Marshal Ret Paladin WoW Goldeneye 64 100% completion Beat Metroid deathless Saved all band members in Revolution X Played Diakatana, remained mostly sane...
Paneelin sisältö
Birthdays and blue moons were the only times I received games as a kid, but now that I'm older I'm beefing up the retro collection like crazy to make up for lost time! It's been a lot of hard work however it has totally been worth it :D You can check it out here: . [Game Collection]( .
Paneelin sisältö
I never know exactly what to write here. It's a bit awkward for me. Mostly I want to try to express that donations really do help me out. They mean so much to me and I really appreciate all the people who have been so generous. I'm still surprised every time it happens. . Before I started streaming I just wasn't used to that kind of thing and I'm still not. That's not the world I grew up in. I work very hard to make money and I think you do too. It makes me want to give something back. A lot of people say the stream is thanks enough, but I still feel compelled. Therefore I always spend donation money on anything that I think will benefit the stream in one way or another. . If you have something specific you want your donation to go towards you can let me know. . You can find my contribution link [here]( . To those of you that have donated. Really, I love you guys. Thank you so much. . Here's a list of radically finestual people that have contributed to the stream. . Paranoid_Mom: Games(A lot) Frostshocker: Games(14) Gooba: Games(13) Crash_Collide: $50 Lochdan: Games(4) $100 Kill_CJW: $5 Unknown: $10 DrGilderMcLovinStyles: $300 Trbocar: Games(3) Nycro: Games(4) SuperFlyBelieve: $20 KatieNormalGirl: Games(1) $100 MyKitty_SaysHello: $20 Girafarigs: $20 MkNugget: $10 StreaminCanadian: $50 Novakat77: Games(17) $75 xDigitalx: $35 Huntaaaaa: Games(5) $25 AmyGames: Games(2) Corbilation: Games(1) Benjimeister: Games(1) BrooklynRage: Games(1) ZockeGames: Games(2) Bbigtree: $10 VBDevil: Games(6) $189.50 DarkTechnomancer: Games(9) $207.93 XxAnarkyxX: $5 CaveManOhYea: $100 Kryer: $5 Zvikachoo: $10 Hacksaw99: $5 Killacone: $5 Bierfuiz91: $10 Coonfox: Games(6) $50 LordZephyr18: Games(5) SovietUnicycle: Games(1) Albe4r: Games(14) $50 F4ULT: Games(2) Estold: Games(13) $76.07 Nyan: Games(5) Czeska: Games(6) $20 PerpetualSoundHT: $10 ShadowShatto: Games(7) HayashiSakura: $100 Xzardas: $5 Zeddicuz: $5 Exy: Games(1) F4ULT: Games(2) Tsdeane: $10 AchyTities: $10 The Symphoney: Games(1) $50 PezEater438: $10 Glowy3: $10 LucyX3: Games(3) $50 Lerter: Games(2) $100 ReklessCreation: Games(1) SwedenGirl: Games(1) Technodragon: Games(1) XXAnarkyXX: Games(1) Escorpio: Games(2) $15 Introplosion: Games(1) $15 Bidouchka: $5 Ramaldar: $20 Saeine: $15 Silentine: $10 Flatcap: Games(1) BenjiMeisterDK: $10 Pppaaasstttaaa: $5 Tinker_Toy: $5 + BMO Finestual_Nick: Games(1) GamingBroduction: $10 + LSP Srd2099: $100 Nortoplpopolis: $10 MataLeao_: $5 PeeksterGaming: $10 TechnoDragon: $15 Freak: Games(1) KingBohBoh: Games(1) JackDaBlue: Games(1) PeeksterGaming: Games(1) Broktal: $25 HerpyDerpy1: Games(4) $105.00 Vlad_The_Clubber: Games(2) FokaZabojca: $10 Grapejuice: Private Arroyo: Games(2) Alcarnaz: $10 Sohca: $200 Greywalker: $118.89 Annonymoose: $15 HundredPlayer: $3 Acesaway: $23.56 Shangles: Games(4) TheBahamianRainman: $10 CremosoGoon: $90 CPU_Purplesister: $8 TheoVellum: $2 MCravenator: SFamicom Console Philbertt: $15.87 Togzilla: $12.50 Meachumz: $2 VanityDK: $10 Reaccon: $29 SteakShake: A boatload of bits J0hnMatrix: $50 CoachVB: $39 Monkey69: $10 HiluliWS: $65