Profilbanner för parashara

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My passion is helping others. I do that through mental illness peer support, sharing strategies on video games, and public speaking on mental illness.

I'm a 35 year old gamer from Iowa and I've been living with a severe version of bipolar disorder for 13 years. For work, I am a Peer Support Specialist, meaning that I help others who have a mental illness recover. Parashara is a Sanskrit name that means: "The sun prince of the highest heaven and the ultimate destroyer of ignorance." It is a name I received from my guru when I took lifetime vows to God at age 14. IRL, most people call me Orion (my legal name). I play basketball, golf, and Magic the Gathering every week. I like public speaking, and go to a Toastmasters club often to practice it. I have given a few public speeches on spiritual topics at locations such as the Theosophical Society in Perth, Western Australia. I've been playing video games since I was 4, starting with the original Mario. I was a meditation teacher for 7 years, and I've been to 13 countries. I've meditated since I was 5. I've definitely spent more hours gaming than meditating. I've done yoga since I was 12. I meditate often (though not as often as I used to) and growth of my spiritual experience is the most important goal in my life, and always has been. Please discuss any spiritual topics with me! I have a BA in English and Theatre from the University of Iowa.
Streaming a bit here and there when I have free time--Faeria, Magic the Gathering Arena, possibly Myth II: Soulblighter. Starting a Full time 3 month coding course in Northern California on October 29, won't be able to stream much during that time most likely.
**Donations are not expected but are much appreciated!** All donations will go towards improving the stream. **I stream because I enjoy streaming.** Making money is not the most important goal. I will never stream exclusively to make money, even if I start making a lot of it. I will only ever stream because it is fun, because it is a good social experience, and because I enjoy sharing strategies. **A Huge Heartfelt Thanks to all my donators and subscribers, including:** WoolsyMammoth, Imd1fferent, Krixelbrixel, Flavadavebb, Circuitry_TCH, Utlragrimx and others.