Záhlaví kanálu patrickjcreates

12,3 tis. sledujících


PatrickjCreates vysílá Grafika, DARK SOULS III a VRChat.

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Go take a look and consider supporting my creations on Patreon! Every bit helps!!! Thanks a TON
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Buy from my Etsy Shop to support the Streams!
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Go have a look at my art and crazy videos on Youtube! Subscribe and enjoy
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[Twitter](https://twitter.com/patrickjcreates) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/PatrickJCreates) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/patrickjcreates)
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This is a pretty chill stream but there are a few rules. >1. No hate language or slurs of ANY kind. >2. Respect each other. >3. Don't self promote or attempt to promote other streams without approval from Patrick or a mod. >4. This is NOT a free country, the word of Patrick or any of the mods is THE LAW.
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**FAQ:** >**Where are you from? ** Alabama (no I don't care about college football) >**How long have you been doing art?** Pretty much all my life. >**What kinds of art do you do?** Digital art, watercolors, puppet creation, and hand-drawn sketches. >**How long have you been streaming?** About 13 years. **Specs:** >CPU: [AMD FX-8300](http://amzn.com/B00P7OPODC) >Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7970 >Ram: 24GB DDR3 >Motherboard: MSI MS-7693 >Drawing Tablet: [Wacom Cintiq 13HD](http://amzn.com/B00BSOSCNE) >Camera: [Logitech c920](http://amzn.com/B006JH8T3S) >Microphone: [Blue, Yeti usb.](http://amzn.com/B002VA464S
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