Profile banner for pbutters2



Just your local everyday Black Panther Vampire boy. Did you know that hearts are tasty, they are my favorite. Anyway generally here to do some RP and play some games. Just like to stream so I can talk to people that enjoy the same things


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Just here to have fun and play some games while chatting. I know its not much but i hope you enjoy. I play a character in VRChat named Butters who is constantly being followed by this rock. Don't worry the rock is safe, I think. Also Butters is always prepared for a fight thats why I am here to play some games and prove my worth. Bring it on and I'll take them down.That being said at the moment when streaming VRchat it'll be for rp purposes


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This is here just in case you want to., I do this for fun and for friends so not necessary but if you do so thank you. Any money gained from streams will go to streams

Yeet the Chickens!!!!!

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