pekinwoof 프로필 배너

팔로워 11.6만명


Challenger Mid laner

패널 콘텐츠
패널 콘텐츠
All donations are non-refundable Top Donors: $769.03 + Hundreds of subs - iloveyoutw2 $509.22 - Elite4Fay $400 - merdian_matters $315.00 - RedBeardGaro $300.00 + 25 Subs - Apothecary_Artyrus $200.00 - Dorian $100.00 - Danney $69.69 - Camoogoo
패널 콘텐츠
패널 콘텐츠
20 Subs - Done 30 Subs - Done 50 Subs - New Emote - Done - 2/4/20 75 Subs - New Emote - Done - 2/4/20 100 Subs - 24 Hour stream - Done - 2/8/20 130 Subs - New Emote - Done - 2/10/20 150 Subs - Urf with viewers - Done 2/13/20 175 Subs - New Emote - Done 200 Subs - New Emote - Done 250 Subs - New Emote - Done 275 Subs - New Emote - Done 2/24/20 300 Subs - Unranked to Master - Done 2/25/20 325 Subs - New Emote - 2/26/20 350 Subs - New Emote 800 Subs - 5/11/20 ???+ Subs - TBD (Ideas include PO Box, Coaching Raffle, Ideas from Subs)
패널 콘텐츠
패널 콘텐츠
Whats your name? Isaac When did you start? Season 1 Normals. Season 2 I started ranked. Highest rank? Rank 2 (1202 LP) How many challenger accounts? I normally have 1 or 2, I had 3 challenger accounts around season 4-6 Competitive career (in order)? Coast (made LCS) Dream Team Big Gods Flyquest Academy Do you offer coaching? Not right now as it is extremely time consuming to do For business inquires please contact at

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No racism Treat everyone as your equal Don't be rood

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