Profile banner for permafunk_



Vtuber (sometimes) and local funny-man, skeletons make me laugh, so that's my theme. Mostly playing whatever games I feel like. come hang out and join the hoard of (f)undead in our crusade to build a permanent funkytown

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Tips are the most direct way to support me and the content I make, and will definately make me cry. And though not necessary, any money donated is greatly appreciated. Whether you give £0.01 or £100,000, I will always go out of my way to thank you properly, as it means a lot to me. So if you wanna help the channel directly, click the "DONATE" banner above and help fuel the flames of the funky skeleton army! (remember: be responsible with your money, it should be used to help yourself first, and others after.)
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Discord: Twitter: Instagram:
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I'm Permafunk (you can call me Perma) I'm 23, an actor, and I stream cus I like to talk to people! ill be doing both gaming streams (how original) and reading streams, where I'll just sit and read and talk to you guys I'd list my favourite games but my ADHD means I usually play one for ages then forget about it. I'd enjoy your company no matter who you are so come talk! ALL my channel art, banners and borders were done by my sometimes co-host, the wonderfully talented FrogForSale, here's his Twitch: and his Instagram: (CHECK HIM OUT)
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• No racism or phobia's of any kind, if you're dickish enough to be mean, be an adult and make it personal. • No Doxxing, you may know me in real life and that's great but a lot of people don't and I'd rather they don't know my personal life. (using my real name is fine tho if you know it) • No spamming/self-promo, if you wanna promote on my page, just ask! I'll probably say yes!