
Hallo :D

About me:

Whatup people, my name is Petrifyze but a lot of my friends call me Xerox, Pet, and Petri; if you have another nickname that's fine too. I normally play Destiny 2/Overwatch/MHW, but I have dabbled in other games like For Honor, Halo, COD, and other random games (although my first true addiction was to Assassin's Creed). I currently live in New York. Besides that, feel free to ask any questions (as long as they're appropriate) and I will most definitely try my best to be a good strimma :D. Welcome!

Other info

Only social media I have right now is [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Petrifyze). My Gamertag and PSN are the same as my Twitch name, and my Battle.net account is Petrifyze#1885. That's all for now :)


If you enjoy the stream and feel the desire to donate to support it, be sure to check out this link: [Donate on Streamlabs](https://streamlabs.com/petrifyze) . Donations are greatly appreciated!