Záhlaví kanálu phantasystar77

118 sledujících


I'm a 46 year old gamer that will play pretty much anything and everything.


Obsah panelu
I stream pretty much anything, although I'm somewhat limited to PS4, and XBox One at the moment. If there's something you'd like streamed then lemme know. I have something in the area of 750 PS4, and 1600 XBox One games installed and I'd be more then happy to stream any of those you wish to see. I do have a lot of possible PC games I could also stream, but I tend to stay away from those since I usually can't sit too long in front of my PC due to back issues. The same goes for any game I need an emulator for.


Obsah panelu
I have none. I pretty much just stream whenever I feel like it :)


Obsah panelu
Pretty much almost anything goes. Just use common sense and avoid using racial slurs. Talk politics if you will, but just don't expect me to tolerate left wing socialist/commie propaganda the media loves to force on people. I also don't mind swearing, but try to keep it somewhat decent :) Also, even though I rarely use a cam, I do always have a mic. If you do hear an issue with the audio, or video then please let me know and I'll try to fix it. I'm not against using a cam, but bad lighting, and back issues prevent it most of the time. Finally, if you're chatting with me on my stream and need to go, then please say so. Its kind of a pet peeve of mine chatting with someone only to realize I'm talking to myself because they left.