Profielbanner voor pikkle_sokks

7,9K volgers


music man, doot doo, sing-song


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This is a list of songs I know that you can request from, type '!songrequest [song name]' into the chat to add it to the queue! (If you request something that's not on here, it's most likely not gon' get played)

Lil' Bit About Me:

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Hi, my name's Logan. I (try to) play music on here and end up making a fool of myself. I'm still getting over my nervousness of performing but dang if I don't love playing. I should probably practice more, though. Yeah, that's pretty much it


Paneel inhoud
Click dis if ya wanna head over to the page where you can send all of your hard-earned cash to me for some reason, I'm working on my second album of original material and doing this is not easy or cheap. Thank you immensely if you choose to do this and if you don't, thanks still, you being here is awesome enough. Every little thing counts

Social Mediaz

[Spotify]( best place to find songos I've done [YouChoobz]( YouTube videos n' stuff [Discordoz]( If ya ever wanna talk [SoondCloodz]( Check out my new fire mixtape (jk, it ain't out... yet) [Twidderz]( Yeh [Insteegurmz]( Mostly weird videos, sometimes weird pictures

Musician Homiez

(THIS IS FAR FROM COMPLETE, SOON I'LL TURN IT INTO A SPREADSHEET, THAT'S WAYYYYY EASIER TO READ) [24KBrownMagic]( Realllly chill voice with some dope jams, insanely awesome dewd and guitar player/ singer! [a_couple_streams]( These two are a couple (obviously :P) and they play some great tunes together! [AJweiss]( Awesome dewd, talented music dewd too! Knows lots of dope songs from video games! [aoarms]( Dewd shreds, pretty much all I hafta say haha [BlinkinFirefly]( Piano and ukulele awesomenesss [bnasty223]( Dis man, dis man right here, he has got an amazing deep and folky voice! [ChaseEagleson]( One of the most genuine dewdz on Twitch. Sometimes great games, sometimes great music, always a great dewd! [ChromicLights]( Gr8 music taste! Nice songs! [ckurtis]( Sweeet pianist that be dope and hilarious! [decktheHolls]( Acousticy chillness and gamez sometimesss [DivineCosm]( Amaaaazing guitarist who also plays piano, great voice yo! [DOaBEARandROLL]( Acoustic sing jamarooneys and sometimes some gamez, really chill bear brah! (Teach me how to beard man) [drezzdie]( She has got a chill voice and some kewl musics! [Edsguitar]( Acoustic awesome jammy jooz! [Elvie]( Really kewl voice, really nice person, and I recently found out she can screamo! [Faezaria]( Heckin' geck pal! [FlewpTV]( Fantastic drummer who can improvise to anything! [Grey_Sky_Symphony]( This guy is my twin brotha (from anotha motha) with a great songlist and great originals! [harrystanhope]( UK music kewlness! [IronicPseudonym]( My super-soft voiced friendo! [itisLELAND]( One of the best mods here on Twitch, he knows so much about the music community and he's a talented violinist himself! [jashaonogimusic]( Chill dewd and chill tunes [JenniferJess]( Pretty coloured songlist with some amazing tunes. Fantastic musician and singer! [JingleEngle]( Really nice guy from the same state! He can absolutely rock and I was honored to play some music with him in January! [KelseyBDJ]( DJ dewd, dat duz dah dings DJs do! [KINOtheproducer]( Kinoooo! (He produces) [LTChicken]( Great dewd with trippy backgrounds and awesome alternativeyish musics! [MacArthurLloyd]( Yohoho, he's a part pirate, part musician, deffo kewl dewd! [Maalstromme]( Really unique chill voice with acoustic stuff! [MeganEagleson]( Games, de makeups, and music. Multi-talented lady with some great songs! [MikeTVLive]( Some funny songs and TONS of awesome original music! [MOZG888VADIM]( Insanely talented accordionist! [MusicianPhysician]( The piano maaaaaaan! [NICOLEPONESYOU]( Another fantastic musician with great originals and a great personality! [RandomGirlSinging]( A (random) gril that singssss! [ResurrectionFern]( Realllly nice acoustic and piano jams yo! [Rhiow2]( This guy can music and he also made an awesome robot thing! [Richii]( Extremely awesoooome acousticness uke and such! Also a great loopist and person! [SceneOfAction]( In-saaane setup, hardcore musicness! Dewd can rock! [SierraEagleson]( Sierra can jam out and/ or chill out with some dang gr8 songs! She'll folk you up. Here's her [EP]( [Tammy_BlackMedia]( Rad songs, rad person! Yet another aweshum one for this long list! [tangoT44]( Violin and stufffs, reallllly kewl dewd! [ThatViolinChick]( Holy cow an amazing violinist, she can improvise over anything! [The_Etcetera_Kid]( Improvises according to the viewer! [twoguys1couch]( Two epic dewdz who play some bomb tunes and have a bomb couch! [ZeroMike]( Improvised hilariousness!

More Homiez

[AllAchievementsUnlocked]( Tries to get all o' dem achievements in vidja games! [A_Pal]( Pal dat plays games and yee! [Andre_Awesome]( Dis kid an awesome voice and plays some gamez! [AJJ427]( She plays games tooooo! [Astra1973]( Gamez! [CharlieStMonica]( She does art, cooking, games, and some syick photo-stuffs yo (she can sing as well dewd)! [ChefKemp]( This guy plays games and made some insane Star Wars stuff in Minecraft! [CoolOwlGuy]( Plays dem gamez! (Also, a reallllly great friend irl!) [DarkSoundwave64]( Plays deh gamesssss [DuckT4rt]( Awesoooome artstuff! [Eldirtysquirrel]( This guy is half-man and half-squirrel, he plays games and has a hilarious modulator and sweeeet tree, er, nuthouse! [El_x_Duderino]( Mah dewd Dudey! Plays games and VapeNaysh Kappa [epicgam3rsyt]( epic duzz stuff! [EveuhXX]( Chill homie who playz deh gamez, also into sum bomb musics [e626]( Artz and cookingzz! [farcry2kid]( Gamessss! [General_Meeperz]( Plays games and builds Gundams! (Also, a reallllly great friend irl!) [GreenTeaSoda]( Awesome arts and stuff, kewl dewd! [iHasCakes]( Mah homie that plays some gumez! [Jirrachi]( Canadaaaaaa! [JoeNumb3rs]( Joe plays games and is a realllllly nice dewd! [JonDayTV]( COME BACK BRO [KelarRiss]( Art and vidjo gamesss! [Lexi_Bieber]( Plays doz games and makes dope pixel art! [linhnguyens]( She cooks foodies and such [RevolverC]( Awesome dewd dat games on deh vidyo games [Spasmosis]( Amazing homie (bro, you should do a music stream on here sometime if ya haven't) [TheDigitalMoose]( Another nice dewd that you should watch play sum games! [StronkGamer]( Despite "gamer" in his username, this dewd usually draws and it's great! [TheDrunkerHippo]( Nice dewd that plays some james, I mean some games! [the_grate_juan]( Barry and he plez geemz! (Also, a reallllly great friend irl!) [TheVillageRuse]( He plays some games, he is not lame... yo! [whennninlovee]( Reallllly nice chill homie who games!