Profile banner for pilotzorro



Heyo, i'm Pilot. You can call me Pilot/ Piloto/ Papi Piloto/ Zorro/ or Papi Chulo. typical Variety Casual Streamer. Quoting movies/shows on the daily. Keeping sane by streaming & interacting with peeps on the weekly. #luckoverskill

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Avatar Creation: Nov. 92' Base Stats: - 100% Aztec Warrior - Starting Point: Chicago - Average Skilled Gamer - Useless Knowledge Lv. over 9 thousand Strengths: - Calm & Steady in the face of defeat *not during, but after* - Master of Multi Tongues *Hola!/Hello!* - Luscious Green Eyes - Will never Rage.......almost never - Total Dork for movies/tvshows/anime/games Weaknesses: - Water *ate the devil fruit* - Sun *Part Vampire* - Earth *Aguacate/Avocado* - Wind *Them darn allergies*

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its here because....reasons. you click the picture for the link. however, Never EVER! feel obligated to do so Crew. The Casual Fleet charges in positive energy & nothing else! if this doesn't change you're mind. Fine. BUT MAY I ASK: why? WHY? WhY? WHYyyYYyY? would you use this... i'm sure some chicken nuggies would be better than this.