Profile banner for pirenadarago



A Sarimanok (PNG) VTuber from the Philippines! I'm all hatched and ready to take flight! Will you come and fly with me?🌈

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> + Twitter: [@PirenaDarago]( > + vTubie: [Pirena Darago](
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> + BOKBOKBOK! Hey yo, Pirena here! Just your resident Sarimanok who got isekai'd to this world by a witch who just *had* to get rid of me--- But anyway, here I am, in this world, running around, giving out golden eggs, and making people smile. > + Apart from that, I spend the majority of my time in a home library nestled somewhere in the city. I'm a journalist who does ghost writing works from time-to-time while researching for ways to get back to my time. > + I don't play a lot of games but I love talking and engaging with people so if I am unable to stream games, rest assured that I'll try my very best to at least keep you entertained! Apart from games, I also like watching anime but I'm not as caught up as you think. > + You can find me on Twitter! We can chat and interact a bit more there! Don't be shy, I don't peck people!
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**More Information about the Sarimanok!** >> + *Name:* Pirena Darago; or just Pirena for short. I am also not opposed to being called Rena but Pirena is fine. >> + Egg jokes are fine with me as long as you know where to draw the line. I am an egg, yes, but also, don't forget that I am a mythical being in my truest form. >> + *Species:* I am what we call a **Sarimanok** or **Papamanok** *(if you want to be gender specific)*. I'm a legendary bird that symbolizes symbol of good fortune. >> + *Spoken Languages:* English & Filipino will be my main streaming languages but you will occasionally hear me say explicitives in Ilocano and Bisaya. >> + *Age:* I am beyond 700,000 years old. Yes, I'm not lying. I'm a mythical being and while I do *flex* my age, that doesn't mean that I welcome jokes about it. >> + *Age Restrictions:* If you are 17 and below, I am sorry but you are not allowed in any of my streams. I am not comfortable with the presence of what I consider to be children in my streams because it won't allow me to freely express myself. If you are 18 and above, you are more than welcome to join us!
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> + Please follow Twitch's ToS! > + Always **ALWAYS** be respectful and kind to anyone in the chat. Remember that beyond these screens is a human who has their own emotions - please always be kind. > + As much as I would want to allow you to speak in your own language, you are only allowed to do so provided that you follow all the other rules - that said, any cussing or disrespectful remarks made in your own language is not allowed. > + No backseating unless I ask for it. That said, please do not also give advice to **anyone** unless they explicitely ask for it. > + Please **do not** mention other livers in my stream unless I mention them. That said, do not also mention me in their streams unless they are the ones who started the conversation. Do not also compare streams - that's not nice and doesn't benefit anyone. > + You have my permission to be horknee **HOWEVER** please do not do it excessively. I want to have fun with you guys and interact with you without having to worry about too much horknee in my chat. > + **PLEASE DO NOT DISCUSS** politics, religion, or any other issues out there. Spamming and trolling is also not allowed. > + **ANY FORM OF DISCRIMINATION** which includes BUT is not limited to racism and sexism is not allowed. Doing so might get you banned from the channel. > + No spoilers. No one likes that. > + I am, by all means, not a sensitive person but please learn to draw the line between what is offensive and what is not. This goes back to our rule about **respect**. I may joke around with you guys but learn to draw the line somewhere, okay? > + My platform is different from other streamers so please do not replicate what you do in their streams on mine because what might be okay with them will not be okay with me. > + Please DO NOT compare me to other streamers. That is disrespectful on BOTH our ends. > + Lastly, **I will not and will never give into or feed into any parasocial stuff.** I might be friendly but we will not go down that route. Pirena Darago is a fictional character and is in no way meant to be your parasocial friend, personal trauma dumpster, or emotional outlet. I am here to entertain you and that's it. Again, I may be friendly but we need to exercise limits here.
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> + This section is still a work in progress so feel free to suggest commands! > > + !bokbok - welcome message > + !raid - raid message > + !lurk - ... lurk command > + !unlurk - ... gets out of of lurking > + !peck - if you too horknee, this is what you get > + !so - shoutouts!
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> ✧ Egg Model: [@keiffee_]( > ✧ Model Design: [@tamasuko_san]( > ✧ PNGs: [@rrencarnate]( | [@hazielcreates]( > ✧ VRoid Model: [@cassierhola]( > ✧ Panels: [@Livtriplesix]( > ✧ Stingers - [@Spvwvky]( | [@Lucien_Inkyu]( > ✧ Intro Music - [@itscoffeerun]( > ✧ Outro Music - [@zephysonas]( > ✧ Sub Badges - [NoxauraNyx]( > > Credits will be updated with more as we go along!