Profile banner for pixiefelixie



🌸Hi! It's Pixie! Welcome to my stream~ Mainly playing Lost Ark atm ^o^ I build full swift on all my characters and complain that I don't crit >:c🌸

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🌸Hi Friends! I'm Pixie! ^o^ 🌸I am currently a full time student and I like to do productivity streams to keep myself accountable, and it feels like I'm studying with a friend! 🌸I will play some games here and there when I feel like it(or when I'm on breaks)! Some games I like to play are TFT, LoL, PoE, Genshin, Lost Ark. 🌸Feel free to say hi in chat, or if you just feel like lurking and relaxing that's okay too! Make sure to drop a follow if you enjoyed the stream ♡ 🌸你好~我是Pixie(小精靈/小仙子的意思)! 目前是個全職學生,平時喜歡開共同作業台,有助於督促我不分心! 🌸有時候看主播心情(或放假的時候)也會打打遊戲~最近喜歡玩英雄聯盟,聯盟戰旗,流亡黯道! 🌸有什麼問題歡迎提問歐~ ^o^
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🌸Be kind to my chat and I 🌸No discrimination, slurs, or excessive swearing 🌸No controversial or political topics 🌸Ask before posting links 🌸No backseating (I get stressed out :c ) 🌸No advertising or self-promo (I will shout you out myself if I think you deserve it!) 🌸No inappropriate comments. 🌸Have fun and enjoy the stream! ^o^ 🌸不對他人惡意言論/歧視 🌸不談論政治 🌸不貼廣告 🌸勿騷擾 🌸大家要當乖寶寶呦~ **My mods holds the same power as me, their words are my words.** **我的MOD現在還不會說中文,有事歡迎私訓找我~**
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🌸Ad-free viewing 無廣告觀賞 🌸Cute emotes 超可愛表情 🌸Cute sub badges 超可愛訂閱徽章 🌸My love and appreciation ♡ 我永遠的愛 ♡
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🌸**How old are you?** ->*6* 🌸**What ethnicity are you?** ->*Taiwanese(moved to Canada in 2010!)* 🌸**Where do you live?** ->*Alberta, Canada* 🌸**What am I studying?** ->*Early Learning and Child Care, I'm hoping to work with kiddos with special needs in the future! ^o^* 🌸**今年幾歲?** ->*6* 🌸**哪裡人?** ->*台灣人* 🌸**現在住哪?搬多久了** ->*移民來加拿大12年多囉* 🌸**讀什麼?** ->*主播現在主修幼兒研究學,希望以後能夠幫助特殊兒童!^o^*
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🌸 **Random** !followage (how long you've been following) !hug (give Pixie a hug) !discord !lurk !playlist (playlists I usually use) !major (what I'm studying) 🌸 **Gambling** !luck (amount of liquid luck you have) !luckiest (leaderboard) !give (!give [name] [amount] to give someone your liquid luck) !gamble (!gamble [amount] to gamble your liquid luck) 🌸 **一般** !followage (追蹤多久了) !hug (給Pixie一個擁抱) !discord (DC) !掛台 (掛台中) !播放列表 (開台常撥放的音樂) !主修 (我在讀什麼) 🌸 **賭注** !luck (你擁有的幸運點數量) !luckiest (排名) !give (用 !give [用戶名] [數量] 贈送/施捨你的幸運點給別人) !gamble (用 !gamble [數量] 來下賭注)
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🌸Donations are 100% not necessary, you being here is enough support for me ♡♡♡ 🌸They will all be spent on upgrading the stream (emotes/badges/overlays/new games?/hardware/etc). Okay some of them might be spent on food... 🌸Please put yourself first, donate only if you are able 🌸你在聊天室裡就是對我大大的支持,贊助是100%非必要的歐~ 🌸贊助大部分會用在升級直播上,當然有部分還是會進到我肚子啦... 🌸請你優先考慮自己,要在荷包許可範圍內才來贊助呦~ 🌸TOP DONATORS(CAD): Kellrazor - $100 Shendoxjoey - $50 DepressingHero - $40 ItsRoyalTea - $20 uberpwner - $20 **Donating does not grant you any special treatment from the streamer and are NOT refundable for any reason so please be responsible!!!** **贊助並不受予你主播的特別待遇,目前也不接受退款,贊助前請三思而行!!!**
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🌸I've been asked/recommended to set this up, so here it is xD
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🌸Emotes: [mammamia_]( 🌸Sub Badges 1m~9m: [Moldchi]( 🌸Sub Badges 1yr~2yr: [m_umair072]( 🌸Webcam/Timer Border: [MiracleVisuals]( 🌸Labels: [MoshiMochiCo]( 🌸To-Do Background: [PramcatDigital]( 🌸Panels/Schedule: Me!