Profile banner for plaguejestersky



(18+) Hello, my name is PlagueJesterSky, I stream a variety of different games daily. I say a string of profanities almost constantly. There are a million Doctors, but only one Jester! (420 Friendly) PJSTTV

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**Hello. If you're new here my name is PlagueJesterSky. I stream a variety of games daily, I've been on Twitch since March of 2020, I have loved every second of my time on Twitch. You can ask me anything, promise I don’t bite, unless you’re into that kind of thing. I want to make people laugh. That is the whole point of me streaming.** **I have been streaming daily since June of 2019 but have been making videos for much longer.** **The content I stream varies from day to day. My recent content has included: Apex Legends, Stream Raiders, Elder Scrolls series, Dragon's Dogma, The Soulsborne series and many many more.** **If you enjoy my content, thank you for choosing my content to watch out of all the things on the internet!** **If you made it this far, thanks for reading & consider getting The Plague** ***~PlagueJesterSky***
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**CHAT RULES** **First off, I'm pretty laid back when it comes to rules, basically just be polite and not antagonistic and we will all get along fine, but for those that need laid out rules read on.** * **1st: Be a decent human being.** * **2nd: Do not spam extremely, this does not mean a few messages, this means excessive posts that either are repetitive or extremely off topic etc.** * **3rd: Don't draw attention to my mods/administrative decisions. If someone gets timed out, let's just move on, yeah? Please don't focus on it, or call out me/my mods for being harsh. It's really annoying.** * **4th: No soliciting in chat without express permission. This includes advertising your own stream, or someone else's. Send me a DM if it is truly important.**
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**1. Can I Join?** * **No, but don't take it personally. If my stream tags do not say Playing With Viewers, then I am currently not playing with them. (You can add me on most crossplayable games tho using my name PlagueJesterSky)** **2. How did you come up with PlagueJesterSky as your name?** * **My name used to be EsSKYRIM & my aussie friend nicknamed me Sky, I like plague doctors and making people laugh, thus Plague Jester Sky.** **3. What games do you play?** * **I play a little of everything but my favorite genres are RPGs and FPS games, sprinkle in some Survival games in there as well.** **4. What platforms do you play on?** * **PS4, PC and Xbox and Switch**
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**Enjoy the stream? Subscribe to support! Click that little purple box that says SUBSCRIBE on it, or support me through Patreon way I get a much bigger cut.** **Why subscribe?** ***IF YOU HAVE PRIME GAMING YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE!!!*** * **$5/month helps support the stream and helps me be a full time streamer** * **Get some dope-ass emotes and awesome sub loyalty badges.** * **Get More Channel Points if you are a Subscriber!**
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**Tips go towards upgrading the stream & getting new games etc etc, this is the KO-FI version, thank you very much.**
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**Tips go towards upgrading the stream & getting new games etc etc, this is the Stream Elements version, thank you very much.**
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**Buy games, support charity and me!**
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***My bot @PlagueJester_exe has some pretty cool commands it can do, try using !commands and !commands2***
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**I upload all my archives and other fun stuff to YouTube, check it out if you enjoyed the stream.**
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**Stay up to date with me and my community by joining my Discord.** **READ THE RULES TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE OTHER CHANNELS**