Profile banner for plexiate



Plexiate streams Minecraft. Whitelisting

Please head over to and leave a $5 donation with your username as the message to gain lifetime whitelist to the server. The $5 goes towards keeping the server up and you will never have to spend money again. After head over to and get the latest versions zip so you have voice chat in game. Finally connect to and enjoy playing vanilla minecraft!
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Please read this one! Alright, so I hate begging for money on the internet. Always have. I want to put a goal on stream but hate that it blocks the game. I also don't like talking about donations. Though at this time I am in a pretty bad spot. Due to family issues I lost my apartment and had to put everything in storage in Kentucky. Came down to Texas to live with my step brother and his wife. I am struggling financially to keep up with phone payments and the storage bill. (Like $78 a month for the storage). I have no car and even am at this time sitting on my bed with my arms at max attention to use my keyboard and mouse. It's tough but if you want to help this is how you can do that. You will still get whitelisted btw.
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