pokedialga için profil afişi

2,3 B takipçi


Taiwanese. Aspiring artist and casual Puyo/Tetris player. Open for commissions! 台灣的魔法氣泡跟俄羅斯方塊休閒玩家以及努力中的繪師~ 接受委託中 !

Panel İçeriği
>•Digital artist tryin' to get gud >•Casual Taiwanese Puyo & Tetris player >•Former TETR.IO X rank player >•中文好難 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ㅤ [Tournament achievements](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UCZHVSVkT5ICirCEwJyz7QtWqP3fMj2aSUyBPbo9-IU/edit?usp=sharing) [My Discord 我自己的Discord](https://discord.gg/MgyxG8UMPk) [THINKING TETRIS 台灣俄羅斯方塊社群](https://discord.gg/MEgjDcbt2n) [PUTE TW台灣益智遊戲社群](https://discord.gg/HP5vSH8B48)
Panel İçeriği
>•Tetris (Jstris,Tetr.io etc) >•Puyo (PPC, PPT, PPT2: Steam, PS4, NS) >•Mario Kart 8 with friends >•Other genres (sometimes) **Games yet to be finished** >•Final Fantasy VII remake >•Outlast ㅤ
Panel İçeriği
Looking to commission me? Check out my website for all the details! (Click the picture!) [中文委託資訊](https://emiliatanmajikawai.wixsite.com/pokedialga/zh) ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Panel İçeriği
Click [here](https://streamlabs.com/pokedialga) to donate! *Not necessary, but definitely appreciated!* (your name will appear on stream :DD) You can also support the stream by [subscribing](https://www.twitch.tv/subs/pokedialga)!
Panel İçeriği
>**What happened to facecam?** I need to build more confidence NotLikeThis >**Why haven't you finished FF7r yet?** I become really dizzy after an hour of play. Is there a cure for this? DDD: >**What about Outlast?** [KILL ME](https://clips.twitch.tv/RespectfulGloriousCasetteBIRB) >**What is your average APM?** 120ish on a good day. >**Where is bot lady?** I fired her. >**為什麼這台都英文?** 其實觀眾用什麼語言我就會回什麼樣的語言,剛好最近大部分都外國人,所以不要害怕(?)